Upcoming Library Programs
9 years ago
"Florida’s Extended Benefit (EB) period ended on June 5, 2010. Qualifying individuals will receive the benefits retroactive to that date if benefits lapsed. The Extended Benefits (EB) program pays up to 20 weeks of additional benefits to individuals who previously exhausted the up-to-79 weeks of regular state and Emergency Unemployment Compensation (EUC) benefits. AWI estimates the Governor’s Executive Order will benefit approximately 250,000 long-term unemployed Floridians.Also -
The new federal law also extends the deadline for establishing eligibility in the federal Emergency Unemployment Compensation (EUC) program by approximately six months, retroactive to May 2010, and extends the phase-out date for the program to April 30, 2011. The agency estimates nearly 900,000 EUC claims may be filed as a result."
"Those who believe they may be eligible under the new dates should visit www.floridajobs.org or call (800) 204-2418. Eligible beneficiaries will be able to begin certifying for any weeks to which they may be entitled within the next two weeks, once the agency completes necessary programming. Certifying online at www.floridajobs.org is the quickest and most efficient way to process payments."
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